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百度云智峰会 开发者集市让科技更加贴近生活
有充满创意的“指尖钢琴”。在这里,开发者们与趣味摊主们近距离沟通,共同讨论一个创意从开始到实现的过程。 百度开发者中心(developer.baidu.com)是一个面向开发者的知识分享平台,专注于为开发者打造一个有温度的技术交流社区,开发者通过平台来分享知识、相互交流...
https://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/shehuixinwen/201908/t20190830_19126670.htm 2019-08-30

乎包含了明确设计的代码,能够在App Review 批准后更改应用程序的行为或功能,这不符合App Store Review Guidance 2.5.2和Apple Developer Program License Protocol 3.3.2节的要求,您的应用程序将被从应用商店的销售中删除。” 与上述情况类似,有资深互联网人士告诉...
http://dzxf.dzwww.com/gdxw/201811/t20181128_18117992.htm 2018-11-28

华裔陈佩获任纽约市首席学术官 致力于提升教育质量
163小学教书,为教育资源的平等公开奋斗;后出任曼哈顿公立165小学的校长,并在哥伦比亚大学教育学院担任识字开发教师(literacy developer)。 2008年她到费城学区担任副主管(deputy chief),2011年任波士顿公校首席课程设计官,2014年还出任巴尔的摩的首席学术官。 作为...
https://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/guojixinwen/201808/t20180828_17778429.htm 2018-08-28

水池、建筑遗迹等的刻板思维,都为这个设计赋予了一丝生命力。 It has, for sure, some of the inevitable managed quality of developer-made public space, although Make says all the right things about ensuring it is genuinely accessible to all. It’s not a...
http://culture.dzwww.com/gdxw/201807/t20180718_17622118.htm 2018-07-18

C919 plans to test-flight six aircraft
C919, China's first home-developed large passenger plane, will undergo tests using six prototype aircraft, according to developer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC). "In order to ensure the aircraft's safety, we have to conduct a significant ...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201803/t20180306_17117030.html 2018-03-06

China's first domestic large amphibious aircraft makes maiden flight
passenger jet in May. The 39.6-meter aircraft is powered by four domestically-built turboprop engines, according to its developer, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). With a maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tonnes and a top cruising sp...
http://english.dzwww.com/newsphotos/201712/t20171225_16826517.html 2017-12-25

Major Chinese property developers see surging sales in Q1
tracts signed in Q1, up 69 percent year on year, the newspaper reported. China Vanke, the country's leading residential developer, posted a 99.7-percent jump in sales, which totaled 150.3 billion yuan in the first quarter. Four companies saw their s...
http://english.dzwww.com/business/201704/t20170410_15747103.html 2017-04-10

Chinese shares open higher on Xiongan New Area
construction, surged by the daily limit immediately after opening. Shares in China Fortune Land Development, a property developer that had reportedly signed development agreements in the area, jumped 10.01 percent to 29.99 yuan per share. Tangshan J...
http://english.dzwww.com/business/201704/t20170405_15723194.html 2017-04-05

Maiden flight of China's amphibious aircraft expected in 2017
rcraft is expected to take its maiden flight over land in the first half 2017 and on water in the second half, said its developer, the AVIC. Similar in size to the Boeing 737, the AG600 will be the world's largest amphibious aircraft, according to t...
http://english.dzwww.com/business/201703/t20170315_15659056.html 2017-03-15

Maiden flight of China's amphibious aircraft expected in 2017
rcraft is expected to take its maiden flight over land in the first half 2017 and on water in the second half, said its developer, the AVIC. Similar in size to the Boeing 737, the AG600 will be the world's largest amphibious aircraft, according to t...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201703/t20170315_15658780.html 2017-03-15

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