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Qingdao summit to be "new milestone" in SCO history: Chinese FM
ew milestone in the history of the SCO," Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Thursday. "We welcome the SCO back to China, and expect it to embark on a new journey in Qingdao," Wang told a press conference on the sidelines of the annual session of the N...
http://english.dzwww.com/shandongnews/201803/t20180311_17138566.html 2018-03-11

China pursues world peace, common development in international agenda
lature and advisory body gear up for their annual sessions to set the national agenda for the year and beyond, analysts expect the "shared future" concept to be a major theme during this year's meetings. Analysts have suggested that building a co...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201803/t20180303_17105404.html 2018-03-03

China steady in opening up finance industry
resence as China continues to liberalize the capital account and relieve tax burdens for businesses, Lam said. Analysts expect the continued opening to inject new vitality into the country's financial sector and speed up Chinese banks' global pus...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201802/t20180227_17087696.html 2018-02-27

China to start action plans targeting "great modern socialist country"
cts in developing a modern economy. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up drive. People expect the country to open wider to the outside world as "a new pattern of all-round opening up" has been announced at the ton...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201802/t20180227_17087688.html 2018-02-27

12 graft-busting "weapons" to arm national supervision commission
the talks, checking the physical conditions of the officials and recording the talks. As for the future, legal experts expect strict control and management of the measures to prevent abuse of power. They also ask for further regulations on deten...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201802/t20180205_17010563.html 2018-02-05

U.S. Supreme Court allows Trump's third travel ban to go into effect
rom Venezuela from entering the United States. "In light of its decision to consider the case on an expedited basis, we expect that the Court of Appeals will render its decision with appropriate dispatch," the Supreme Court said in the ruling. Th...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201712/t20171205_16744886.html 2017-12-05

New book shows global audience China through Xi's eyes
and chief editor of Foreign Languages Press, the book's publisher. "In the past few days, orders have flooded in and we expect more to come." Sales are likely to exceed those of the first book, which was published in September 2014 and has sold a...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201711/t20171123_16698695.html 2017-11-23

se until 2008, when the 23-year-old came to China specifically to learn Chinese. Many foreigners who live in China only expect to stay for a year or so before returning home or moving on to the next country. But for Cheung-Ah-Seung, he intended t...
http://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/guojixinwen/201711/t20171122_16693654.htm 2017-11-22

vestment Act),将民用住宅定义为敏感资产。这也意味着非新西兰居民或新西兰国籍人士将无法购买现有房产。 政策将何时实现? We expect legislation to be introduced before Christmas and take effect immediately once passed early in 2018. This will fulfil o...
http://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/guojixinwen/201711/t20171101_16598844.htm 2017-11-01

China hopes U.S. rejoins Paris climate agreement
Paris Agreement in April 2016, giving a strong push to international efforts against global warming. German authorities expect 25,000 guests to attend the Bonn conference, including representatives of governments and non-governmental organization...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201710/t20171031_16595761.html 2017-10-31

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