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Delegates gather in Beijing for key Party congress
hem, 771 are from the grassroots, accounting for 33.7 percent of the total. "General Secretary Xi is a man of action. I expect him to continue to lead the country and guide people to build a better life with our own hands," said Deng Yingxiang, P...
http://english.dzwww.com/topnews/201710/t20171016_16541239.html 2017-10-16

Rising China under CPC leadership has "extremely positive" global influence -- U.S. scholar
nly developing ones, along the Belt and Road build modern infrastructure and industrial facilities, he said. "We should expect the welfare of developing nations as well as advanced nations would improve." Calling it "the greatest project in histo...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201710/t20171014_16534013.html 2017-10-14

Chinese president receives credentials of eight ambassadors
Xi. They said their countries highly value the relations with China, as well as the friendship between the peoples, and expect to participate in the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative. They said they feel greatly honored to serve as ambassad...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201707/t20170713_16155000.html 2017-07-13

What to expect from Belt and Road Forum
Editor's note: The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation will be held May 14 to 15 in Beijing. To give readers better knowledge of this international meeting on the Belt and Road Initiative, Xinhua will release a series of repor...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201705/t20170502_15865211.html 2017-05-02

《喜欢你》今日上映 男神金城武周冬雨产生化学反应
路晋来讲,顾胜男的行为举止甚至她这个人,都是他意料之外,但是他愿意为她卸下防备。对应影片的英文片名《this is not what I expect》,这不是我想象的,也让影片的爱情主题更让观众感同身受。因为爱情来的时候就是没有道理的,没有标准的。” 导演许宏宇表示,从...
http://ent.dzwww.com/ds/201704/t20170427_15848853.htm 2017-04-27

《喜欢你》今日上映 男神金城武周冬雨产生化学反应
路晋来讲,顾胜男的行为举止甚至她这个人,都是他意料之外,但是他愿意为她卸下防备。对应影片的英文片名《this is not what I expect》,这不是我想象的,也让影片的爱情主题更让观众感同身受。因为爱情来的时候就是没有道理的,没有标准的。” 导演许宏宇表示,从...
http://ent.dzwww.com/tt/201704/t20170427_15848594.htm 2017-04-27

《喜欢你》4.27公映 金城武男神下凡只为周冬雨
路晋来讲,顾胜男的行为举止甚至她这个人,都是他意料之外,但是他愿意为她卸下防备。对应影片的英文片名《this is not what I expect》,这不是我想象的,也让影片的爱情主题更让观众感同身受。因为爱情来的时候就是没有道理的,没有标准的。” 导演许宏宇表示,从...
HTTP://heze.dzwww.com/tyyl/201704/t20170426_15840124.htm 2017-04-26

Good weather expected for Tianzhou-1 space launch
ince of Hainan. Tianzhou-1 is scheduled for launch from the center at 7:41 p.m. Thursday (Beijing Time). Meteorologists expect cloudy weather conditions during the scheduled launch time. As the Wenchang center is located in a coastal area, thunde...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201704/t20170420_15807952.html 2017-04-20

U.S. won't draw red line on Korean Peninsula nuclear issue: White House
WASHINGTON, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The White House said on Monday that it does not expect U.S. President Donald Trump to draw a red line on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the United States will continue work with China to solve it. "Drawing...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201704/t20170418_15794083.html 2017-04-18

Overseas experts expect China's new economic zone to deepen all-round opening up
Aerial photo taken on March 31, 2017 shows Baiyangdian, north China's largest freshwater wetland, in Anxin County, north China's Hebei Province. (Xinhua/Yang Shiyao) International media reports and observers say the establishment of China's...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201704/t20170406_15730597.html 2017-04-06

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