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Is Xi-Trump meeting too soon?
et his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, for the first time next week, an arrangement that has surprised many who did not expect it to come so soon. Yet experts on international relations have pointed out the meeting is not that unexpected, and it ...
http://english.dzwww.com/opinion/201704/t20170401_15712224.html 2017-04-01

News Analysis: Is Xi-Trump meeting too soon?
et his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, for the first time next week, an arrangement that has surprised many who did not expect it to come so soon. Yet experts on international relations have pointed out the meeting is not that unexpected, and it ...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201704/t20170401_15711510.html 2017-04-01

National park to drive revival of China's wild pandas
ang Hemin wants. "The goal of breeding and reintroduction is to eventually put the animals back into bamboo forests and expect them to mate with their wild cousins." Thanks to these dogged conservation efforts, 1,864 pandas remain in the wild, 17...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201703/t20170331_15706765.html 2017-03-31

Brexit to "seriously harm" German companies: survey
will move investment from Britain to Germany or other EU countries in the wake of Brexit. Some 40 percent of companies expect to do less business with Britain in the months ahead. The survey also revealed a great degree of uncertainty among Germ...
http://english.dzwww.com/topnews/201703/t20170329_15696404.html 2017-03-29

Top tourism province Yunnan goes harsh on kickbacks
egulation brings China's domestic tourism policy into harmony with international best practice. Most Western travellers expect transparency in tour arrangement and like to be provided with freedom to choose which shop they patronize during their ...
http://english.dzwww.com/travel/201703/t20170328_15693356.html 2017-03-28

China, New Zealand agree to start talks on upgrading FTA in late April
a, English said the dairy products and any other products going to China will be of the quality Chinese consumers would expect to be. Under the FTA, a wide range of products, typically health-related products, are much sought after by Chinese con...
http://english.dzwww.com/focusnews/201703/t20170328_15692928.html 2017-03-28

China, Israel announce innovative comprehensive partnership
oint labs, a global technology transfer center, innovation parks and an innovative cooperation center. China and Israel expect closer cooperation in air pollution control, waste management, environmental monitoring, water conservation and purific...
http://english.dzwww.com/topnews/201703/t20170322_15677864.html 2017-03-22

Sharing apps shake up Chinese bike manufacturers
n April," said Liu Jie, general manager of Fushida. "This year is definitely the peak of production for shared bikes. I expect output will drop next year when there are enough bikes," said Liu Xuequan, director of the bicycle industry association...
http://english.dzwww.com/topnews/201703/t20170322_15677843.html 2017-03-22

China, Israel announce innovative comprehensive partnership
oint labs, a global technology transfer center, innovation parks and an innovative cooperation center. China and Israel expect closer cooperation in air pollution control, waste management, environmental monitoring, water conservation and purific...
http://english.dzwww.com/newsphotos/201703/t20170322_15677805.html 2017-03-22

Legendary sunken treasure discovered in SW China
qian, an archaeologist from Peking University. Archaeologists said the excavation would last until April, and that they expect to unearth more items. The local government said it was considering building a museum near the site to preserve and pro...
http://english.dzwww.com/newsphotos/201703/t20170321_15674165.html 2017-03-21

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